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This website has been created so residents of Barrie and visitors alike can learn about, and enjoy this last remaining 16 acres of natural open space along Barrie's wonderful waterfront. The tranquility and natural beauty of this area have become an integral part in the lives of residents and visitors to Barrie. Allandale Station Park is situated along Barrie's south shore and it provides sanctuary to numerous animals and bird species, creating a vibrant ecosystem that is cherished by everyone who uses it. 


The Friends of Allandale Station Park are a group of concerned citizens who support protecting and preserving the natural beauty of Allandale Station Park.


On May 15th, 2024, Barrie City Council supported a motion to build a parade ground and multi purpose synthetic turf field at Allandale Station Park. After hearing months of public opposition, on December 11th, 2024, the proposed multi purpose field at Allandale Station Park was unanimously defeated and removed from the 2025 budget. 



Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg people which include the Odawa, Ojibwe, and Pottawatomi Nations collectively known as the Three Fires Confederacy. We also acknowledge the Wendat Nation (Huron) who occupied these lands prior to the middle of the 17th centrury.

Update on Council Motion 24G-111
Sea Cadets Parade Ground & Multi-Use Sports Field

On August 15th, 2024, at the request of Council, Mayor Alex Nuttall issued Mayoral Direction MDIR002-24, directing staff to pause further work on Council motion 24-G-111 (Sea Cadets Parade Ground & Multi-Use Sports Field) to allow for public consultation to occur and be presented back to Council later this fall.


Mayoral Direction MDIR002-24

Section 284.3 of the Municipal Act provides the Head of Council the authority to give direction to staff in writing.

I, Alex Nuttall, Mayor of the City of Barrie as requested by Council on August 14, 2024, have provided the following direction to staff: Since the Council approval of motion 24-G-111 concerning the Multi-Use Sports Field, new information provided in Mr. Green’s report and an exciting opportunity that emerged in early July, the City is actively working with a global entity on a promising venture that could significantly enhance the future of sport tourism in Barrie. I direct the CAO and staff to pause actioning Council motion 24-G-111 in order to allow for public consultation to occur and be presented back to Council later this fall.




Register with the City of Barrie 'Building Barrie' to stay informed about what is happening with Allandale Station Park and the Multi Purpose Field. As a result of the Mayoral Direction issued on August 15th, 2024, there will be future public consultation & updates pertaining to the recommendations contained within Marshall Green's Report. We encourage everyone to register.


It is fairly easy to Register, you choose a username, enter your email address, and a password. If you are interested in registering, click on the link below, scroll down to 'Additional public consultation is happening this fall!' and click on REGISTER.





Waterfront Public Consultation Feedback Staff Report

Barrie Council New Motion

from the Staff Report on Public Consultations related to the Marshall Green Report

On October 9th, 2024, at General Committee, Barrie Council received the Staff Report ACC001-24 concerning the results of the public consultations related to Marshall Green’s report, entitled The Southshore, Barrie Sports and a Revitalized Downtown, and further the following motion was passed unanimously at General Committee. The motion will be brought to Barrie Council at the October 23rd, 2024 meeting.




That notwithstanding previous Council decisions concerning the locations for a Performing Arts Centre and a Multi-Use Sports Field, the following be undertaken:


a) That in light of the work completed to date by Hariri Pontarini Architects (HPA) on the Barrie Performing Arts Centre Programming and Concept Design Final Report and notwithstanding the requirements of the Procurement By-law, HPA be retained to complete a schematic design for a new Performing Arts Centre at the current Sea Cadets site at an estimated cost of $200,000 to be funded from the Theatre Reserve, and that the design be prepared with the following considerations:


An approximately 45,000 sq. ft facility that includes both larger (600 seat) and smaller (250 seat) performance spaces.


The facility be designed with a maximum total building cost of $65M in hard and soft construction costs for the building itself including fit out of all seating and audio visual components; and


b) That staff undertake the required site due diligence (including but not limited to geotechnical investigations) to determine the feasibility of utilizing the current Sea Cadets site and any required surrounding City lands for a new Performing Arts Centre, and the cost of such investigations to a maximum of $375,000 be funded from the Theatre Reserve.


c) That a Full Time Capital Project Manager be retained by Corporate Facilities immediately to coordinate the site due diligence investigations and schematic design work and the position be funded from the FC1138 Performing Arts Centre Redevelopment capital project/Theatre Reserve;



d) That staff report back to General Committee with the results of the due diligence work and schematic design as well as the estimated required site works and a potential implementation plan.


2. That staff retain a consultant at an estimated cost of $250,000 with 30% of funding from Development Charges and 20% from the Tax Capital Reserve and half of the funding sourced from the Cash-in-Lieu Parkland Reserve to prepare a design concept and costing to locate a Multi-Use Sports Field at the Central Secondary School site to ensure that the field meets the minimum size requirements to accommodate a sports field of this nature and minimize impacts to the surrounding area and report back to General Committee.


3. That the Sea Cadets parade ground be removed as one of the uses for the proposed Multi-Use Sports Field and staff provide a concept including costs for locating a drill square with hard surface to the west of the John Hayter Southshore Centre as an extension to the parking lot and report back to General Committee.


4. That Development Services staff prepare a design concept to locate a passive park east of the General Hayter Southshore Community Centre to include a minimum of 2 acres of grass cut area, to allow for overflow parking for historical events that will occur on the property and accessible walkways through the naturalized area and report back to General Committee with the concept and costing.


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